Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

first played Dark Souls

I've played all of the Souls games, including Demon's (although never finished it to the very end). Ever since I first played Dark Souls years ago, I fell in love with the franchise. It was the first Souls experience to me. That game showed me that games can still be very challenging, with amazingly well-made fantasy worlds including all sorts of nightmarish creatures. Dark Souls 3 continues the epicness the earlier ones had. I love this game, even if some moments felt impossible or quite frustrating lol. It has much of the same old gameplay mechanics from previous games, but with new additions too and the combat is mostly fast-paced.

I feel like it's a great mix of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, without the dash-dodge of BB. The world itself in Dark Souls 3 is amazing in my opinion, not as well made as the perfect design in Dark Souls with those upper and lower journeys, which is the best in the series. But it's still really cool, and you can go visit every place you see in the distance eventually. That's one thing I love about these games, to feel like you are in this huge unknown mysterious world. Like previous games, DS3 doesn't hold your hand. You have to figure out where to go, how to fight enemies and bosses, learn their weakness and patterns to win and death will teach you again.

There were few areas or enemies which I didn't like so much because of reasons, but that is a part of these games. I do love how DS3 pays tribute to DS1 in few ways, but I won't go into more detail about that.
The soundtrack is soo fantastic and introduces many cool songs, which fit well in the intense boss fights to make them even greater :D.

The new monster design is mostly amazing, as I said it reminds me of Bloodborne with certain opponents. Also, some of the monsters feel like, as if they were taken inspiration from Berserk manga again as the creator is a fan of it, which is, of course, great.
I have to say that the boss design and fights are some of the best I have ever encountered, there are many memorable ones, and at least three were tough to me. One of the bosses felt a bit disappointing because of the way to defeat it but was still so cool. I think I did every boss fight as a solo, except one. And when you do it alone, the feeling and adrenaline rush is so much greater.

The last boss of DS3 could very well be the hardest fight I've ever fought in games, and I loved that, even harder than Artorias of DS1. Part of it could be because having a different build than in previous games, so it honestly felt impossible, I don't know. But oh boy. it was just insane and such a thrilling fight. Lots of suffering, but eventually when you survive alone this kind of encounters, that feeling of victory is so good. I don't think many other games give that satisfaction, and this is one big reason I love the Souls games. Fighting alone in the dark places, against a gigantic or just ultra-aggressive bosses is simply one incredible feeling.

The multiplayer is similar to DS1. When you summon friends for co-op, they can help you on the road a long time or help kill a boss who is nice. Not badly done like in DS2 where you disappear after killing a couple of enemies.
I've read many being disappointed with the game, like having connection issues or getting banned for no reasons. Which sucks. But I personally barely had any issues as my Chloe in my 60h+ journey, there was perhaps only 5-6 times when I couldn't enter boss fog door to help a fellow player after he summoned me. Because of connection lag, but that's it.

Well, it seems I ended up writing more than I first planned :). I say Dark Souls 3 is a worthy send-off to the franchise, as it is informed to be the last one. An epic dark journey and amongst my most favorite experiences ever. I recommend this to those who want to experience challenging and cool gaming moments. For fans of Souls it's a must.
